Computational methods and applications (AM 147)

Instructor: Prof. Daniele Venturi (venturi AT


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Purpose of the course: To introduce basic computational methods and algorithms for solving mathematical problems that arise in different areas of science and engineering. The emphasis will be on the analysis and implementation of numerical algorithms using MATLAB or OCTAVE.    

Course content: MATLAB basics, solution to nonlinear algebraic equations, approximation of functions and data, numerical differentiation and integration, solution methods for linear systems, numerical methods for ordinary differential equations

Assessment: 50% homework assignments, 25% midterm (in class), 25% final (in class). Final grades may be subject to adjustments based on non-mandatory research projects, or scientific colloquium with the instructor. A 60% or more is required in the final exam to pass the course.

Late homework policy: Homework assignments will be accepted up to three days past the deadline. A 10% grade point deduction is taken for each day the assignment is late.

Textbook: A. Quarteroni, F. Salieri and P. Gervasio,  ``Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave''